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Wednesday, 12 October 2011

My Uncle Anthony...The Don of Our Lady of the Holy Resurrection

 Hey everyone! Sorry I have been away so long, just real busy at work with lots of deadlines.... you know how it is! Anyhow, last time I started talking about my Uncle Anthony so today I am going to tell you more about him. I will never forget my first day at our new school, back in 1984. Tony were going into sixth grade
and Bruno into first.  We were starting a new school, because we had moved. It was called  "Our Lady of The Holy Resurrection", these long Catholic school names have always cracked me up! The bad thing was, our Uncle Anthony went there. He was going into his final year of elementary school. Little did we know what awaited us at this school...The teachers for one thing, were nuts at this school.  I think they got a cut rate on them because they had all been institutionalized or something, but that is another story for another time! Anyhow....Anthony told me and Tony to meet him in the boiler room after school, which immediately set off our radar for one of his pranks or frame-ups, but when we got there we were met by a sign on the door, "Private: Please Knock"   so we knocked and heard Anthony's voice say "Come In".When we came in to the darkened room, what we saw could have been mistaken for a scene out of"The Godfather". There sat Anthony at a make-shift desk with one of those green banker's lamps on it sitting with his hands folded and flanked by a bunch of guys, one on his immediate right side and the rest gathered behind him standing.  They were introduced to us as (I had to check my old diary for the names!) Ricky, Mikey, Paulie, Louie, Joey, Johnny and Sonny. Anthony was dressed in a suit. Yes, a suit like he would wear to church and he wore a gold pinkie ring (a gift from Nonno). We always knew this kid wasn't normal, and now we were sure of it.  I will tell you what happened next time...ciao!      

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